Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
UAE Officially Stops Using Dollar for Oil Trades by Jai Hamid, The global financial landscape is witnessing a seismic shift as the United Arab Emirates (UAE) boldly moves away from the US dollar in its oil trade dealings. This strategic pivot aligns with the broader ambitions of the BRICS economic alliance, of which the UAE …
Covid Shots Promote ‘Hyperprogressive Cancers,’ New Evidence Shows by Hunter Fielding, Damning new evidence has linked Covid mRNA shots to the recent surge in a new phenomenon doctors are calling “hyperprogressive cancers.” The evidence shows the harmful effects on the human body caused by a unique, rare class of antibodies called IgG4. IgG4 is …
Not 14M Lives Saved, but Over 17M Dead via Dr. Robert Malone, Denis Rancourt Denis has a PhD in Physics (1984, University of Toronto), is a former tenured Full Professor (University of Ottawa), and has published over one hundred articles in leading science journals. Denis’ reports and articles can be found on his website …
Bill Gates Doubles Down on ‘Cashless Societies’ and ‘Digital IDs’ in Africa by Hunter Fielding, Billionaire Bill Gates is aggressively pushing his plan to experiment with “cashless societies” and “digital IDs” in the African nation of Nigeria. Gates and his foundation are attempting to eliminate physical money and replace it with “digital cash” that’s …
Ukrainian MP: The War in Ukraine Would Have Ended in the Spring of 2023, But Britain Did Not Want It by “M. Johnson asked us not to sign the peace agreement” Hostilities in Ukraine could have ended last spring, but former British Prime Minister Boris Johnson blocked Kiev from signing any peace deal with …
The Entire Banking System Is Shaking by Why are big banks suddenly rushing to shut down so many local branches all over the nation? As I have discussed in previous articles, U.S. banks are currently sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars in unrealized losses. When financial institutions get into trouble, they start getting …