The Pentagon Fails Another Audit – Trillions Missing
- The Pentagon Fails Another Audit – Trillions Missing
by Martin Armstrong,
They say the Pentagon is the government’s favorite money laundering tool for a reason. It is comical that they even attempt to audit the Pentagon when they know the agency will fail miserably. The government spent $187 million to conduct the meaningless audit at 700 locations. This year, as with the year prior, only 7 of the 29 sub-audits passed. HALF of the claimed assets were nowhere to be found by the 1,600 hired auditors. How does trillions of dollars disappear?
Trillions have gone missing since pre-9/11. There is no ongoing investigation into finding the whereabouts of these funds that belong to taxpaying citizens. The September 11, 2001, attack occurred one day after former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld sounded the alarm bells and notified the public that $2.3 trillion in transactions could not be traced. The WTC7 demolition on 9/11 destroyed the room where the Pentagon audit was taking place and also happened to be the location of my computer system. I received from the SEC explaining that everything had simply been destroyed and no further questions were permitted.
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