Uh Oh! The Search of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza is Done; NO HAMAS TUNNELS or COMMAND CENTER
BREAKING🚨 Israel admits there are no tunnels being used under Al Shifa hospital. They are all concreted up. i.e THERE WAS NO HAMAS COMMAND CENTRE under #AlShifaHospital.
They then admit that Israel will dig the tunnels up themselves. Wait what?
Isn't digging tunnels under… pic.twitter.com/em6BwVOuCM— Syrian Girl 🇸🇾🎗 (@Partisangirl) November 16, 2023
- Uh Oh! The Search of Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza is Done; NO HAMAS TUNNELS or COMMAND CENTER
by https://halturnerradioshow.com/
Israel now has a really big problem. Their troops stormed into the Al-Shifa hospital in the Gaza Strip and searched it from top to bottom, for the alleged HAMAS Tunnels and Operations Center. There were none.
For weeks, Israel has claimed that Hamas “uses hospitals, schools, refugee camps, for their network of tunnels to launch attacks upon Israel.” These claims arose after public outcry because Israel BOMBED hospitals, Mosques, Churches, Schools, Universities, Refugee Camps, and even a convoy of Ambulances, claiming it was all “Hamas-related.”
Well, as of last night, the search of Al-Shifa hospital, by armed IDF troops is done. What did they find? Nothing. No tunnels. No operational command post. Well, this is quite a problem! So . . . . the lies had to start, and start fast.
Israeli News Media, reporting that no tunnels or operations center was found at or under Al-Shifa hospital, took the extraordinary step of then-claiming “Al-Shifa Hospital delayed the IDF from getting-in to search, for three days. And during those three days, they helped Hamas “get rid of evidence” and . . . . wait for it . . . . seal the tunnel entrances with concrete and ceramic tile! Here. Watch them tell this tale: (top of post)
But these media reports are apparently not good enough, so the IDF has begun telling its own tales. In the brief video below, you will see an armed IDF soldier, pointing to a paper on a wall with Arabic writing on it, and claiming: This is a list of Terrorists who guarded the (Israeli) hostages. The names of terrorists, in Arabic writing, appears for each day. Here, watch for a minute: (bottom of post)
Well . . . Internet sleuths had the image on the wall translated and, it turns out, the alleged “Terrorist names in Arabic writing” were no such thing. The paper on the wall, was a hand made CALENDAR. The Arabic Writing, when machine translated, came back as “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.” . . . . and got caught lying . . . . . again.
read more.
9 … and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.