Order of Global Conflict: US Deployed Eight (!) Aircraft Carriers – All Available Units Exceeded Their Nautical Limits – Taiwan Zero Hour…
- Order of Global Conflict: US Deployed Eight (!) Aircraft Carriers – All Available Units Exceeded Their Nautical Limits – Taiwan Zero Hour…
by https://warnews247.gr/
The US mobilized all available aircraft carriers
Eight US aircraft carriers are currently deployed around the world, marking the largest US naval military deployment in many years. The Americans are not only worried about the Mediterranean and the Baltic, but also about the South China Sea, the Pacific and Taiwan.
The readiness of the American ships shows that Washington is “waiting for something” perhaps in another battlefield that has not yet been opened like Taiwan. This shows the departure and deployment of aircraft carriers on the East and West coasts of the US ready to rush where needed.
American analysts note that they are many years away from seeing eight of the 11 US aircraft carriers at sea. The 3 aircraft carriers that are still within the navasthams are the ones in need of repair. In other words, the USA has mobilized all of its available aircraft carriers!
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More US Navy aircraft carriers are underway right now than at any point in quite some years – 8 of 11. Four are deployed: GERALD R FORD CVN78 in the Mediterranean Sea; DWIGHT D EISENHOWER CVN69 in the Red Sea; RONALD REAGAN CVN76 and CARL VINSON CVN70 in the western Pacific… pic.twitter.com/ixpnKonGzm
— Chris Cavas (@CavasShips) November 10, 2023
..JOHN C STENNIS CVN74 in the midst of her major mid-life RCOH refuling overhaul at Newport News Shipbuilding; HARRY S TRUMAN CVN75 in the back half of a year-long overhaul at Norfolk Naval Shipyard; and GEORGE HW BUSH CVN77 is in pierside maintenance at Norfolk Naval Station pic.twitter.com/wGTLXJH0kf
— Chris Cavas (@CavasShips) November 10, 2023