Samson Option: Mark Levin Urges Israel to Consider Firing Off Entire Nuclear Arsenal If Threatened
Jewish pundit Mark Levin threatens Samson Option if America doesn’t supply Israel with weapons.
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— AF Post (@AFpost) October 16, 2023
- Samson Option: Mark Levin Urges Israel to Consider Firing Off Entire Nuclear Arsenal If Threatened
by Chris Menahan | Information Liberation, via
* “If Israel is going to face annihilation, you think they have those nukes in there to collect dust?”
Fox News host Mark Levin went on an unhinged rant Sunday urging Israel to consider the Samson Option — Israel’s plan to fire off all their nukes and initiate a global nuclear holocaust if their existence is threatened — and arrogantly scolded a fellow Fox News host for suggesting America stay out of Israel’s wars.
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Shapiro entertains the Samson Option.
— I,Hypocrite (@lporiginalg) October 13, 2023
Have you heard of the Samson Option? 🇮🇱
It's Israel's plan to create a nuclear holocaust and destroy civilization if their state is ever threatened with destruction.
It includes destroying "pillars of the world" like European capitals.
Does this sound like an ally to the West?
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) October 11, 2023
Israeli military historian Martin Van Creveld says Israel possesses hundreds of atomic warheads which could be fired at Europe if its existence is threatened:
"Most European capitals are targets for our air force"
— Keith Woods (@KeithWoodsYT) October 11, 2023
9 … I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a [a]synagogue of Satan.