Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Tucker Carlson: “Our System is Collapsing in Real-Time” — “They’re All Afraid” by Urs Gehriger, Tucker Carlson is unstoppable. Since his sudden departure from Fox News he scores record viewer ratings. In an exclusive interview with Weltwoche, the political media star demolishes the mainstream media’s manipulation machine, reveals his concerns about a potential Donald …
Is the US Government Preparing to Announce Aliens? This is the Senate’s Proposed UFO ‘Controlled Disclosure Plan’ And How It Would Work by STACY LIBERATORE FOR DAILYMAIL.COM, * The Senate passed an Act that would require disclosure of UFO evidence * The Act would give government offices 300 days to collect records * A …
Globalists Have Another Shock Event Planned in Pursuit of the ‘Four Ds’: Digitization, Dehumanization, Destruction and Depopulation by 2024 will make 2023 look like a walk in the park but we can make it through the storm if we hold onto our humanity and faith in God – The convergence of multiple red-alert …
The U.S. is in the Throes of a Total Financial Collapse, Followed by the Mark of the Beast – WATCH as Jeffrey Prather Explains by Ethan Huff, There is very little time that remains before the inevitable collapse of the current financial system, aka Ponzi scheme, commences, and the world as we currently know it …
“The West is Now the Real Empire of Lies”: Key Takeaways From Lavrov’s UN Speech by RT, via * Russian official slams US for “stirring up conflicts that artificially divide humanity into hostile blocs and prevent it from achieving common goals.” * Says Western nations are sending arms to Kiev and training its troops: …
“Events Are Moving Quickly Now” – Kunstler Warns Of Imminent “Banquet Of Consequences” For Biden Admin by James Howard Kunstler, Slouching Towards Beelzebub “Using the #FauciLiedPeopleDied trend is a great way to show your friends you’re a conspiracy theorist.” – Dr Anthony Fauci – So, here’s what you might have learned over the …
A 98-year old was given standing ovation by the Canadian parliament during Zelensky's speech. He was hailed as a hero for fighting against the Russians. Yaroslav Hunk fought for the 14th division of the Waffen SS. — UNN (@UnityNewsNet) September 24, 2023 Canada’s House Speaker Apologizes For Honoring Actual Nazi; Still Radio Silence From …