Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Cabal’s Land and Real Estate Stealing Tactics
- Catherine Austin Fitts Explains the Cabal’s Land and Real Estate Stealing Tactics
by Sasha Latypova Catherine Austin Fitts is a legend that needs no introduction. She has an incredible amount of knowledge and experience, both as an investment banker and working in government, and then being prosecuted by the government (former Assistant Secretary of Housing) for trying to uncover and fight corruption. She is currently the publisher of the Solari Report.
I set up this conversation because I wanted to learn about the tactics that the criminal mafia posing as US federal and state governments are currently using against the people. We focus on the US, but many of my readers can probably recognize these tactics being applied all over the world. The goal of the criminal cabal is well advertised: “save the planet, reduce carbon” by which they mean “we need all the real assets and resources for ourselves, and fewer of you plebs around”.
While this attitude toward the people has been consistent, they have been very careful in hiding the true intent behind nice sounding slogans. This is easy to do when the times are good, financially speaking. When the bubble is being inflated by the central banking hot air, few people will question it or look too closely at the financial machinations. CAF did and was prosecuted for it.
The times are different now. We are at the end of the financial musical chairs game. All that “leverage” is about to un-lever very rapidly, the fake money will turn out to be, well – fake! The cabal are desperate to grab the real stuff. Attractive land is some of the most “real” of the real stuff. They are quite willing to burn and murder for it, as we have seen in Lahaina, HI, Paradise, CA and elsewhere.