Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Ep. 1 — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) June 6, 2023 Tucker’s Back! In Triumphant Return, Demolishes Ukraine Dam Propaganda, Massacres MSM For Ignoring UFO ‘Bombshell Of The Millennium’ by Tyler Durden, Tucker Carlson unveiled Episode 1 of his ‘Tucker on Twitter’ adventure – which gained 10 million views in just over two hours – and …
British cardiologist calls for inquiry into mRNA vaccines | CW — Prof Kerryn Phelps AM (@drkerrynphelps) June 2, 2023 British Cardiologist Calls for mRNA Vaccines to be Suspended Due to Heart Risks by Frank Chung, A British cardiologist has called for Covid vaccines to be suspended in Australia due to heart risks, accusing …
CV19 Bioweapon/Vax Beginning of Transhumanism – Karen Kingston by Greg Hunter’s Karen Kingston is a biotech analyst and former Pfizer employee who understands complicated medical and biological contracts. Kingston warns the mRNA technology in the CV19 bioweapon injections is just the beginning of forcing a transhuman agenda onto an unsuspecting public. If the technology (which …
Actor Tyrese Gibson speaking on how Hollywood is trying to 'normalize the devil' — Vision4theBlind (@Vision4theBlind) June 2, 2023 Hollywood Star Tyrese Gibson Speaks Out Against Industry ‘Normalizing The Devil’ by Kelen McBreen, * ‘They going above and beyond to promote the devil and it’s pissing me off’ says the singer/actor – During …
Last year: ◾Footage of the strike on the Nova Kahrkovska dam last year when the Ukrainians tested the resistance of the flooding gates with American Himars missiles as stated by the article of the Washington Post. ◾Follow: — Zlatti71 (@djuric_zlatko) June 6, 2023 Kiev’s Long-Term “Last Resort” Plan To Blow-Up The Kakhova Dam Exposed …
WHO Adopts European-Style COVID-19 Vaccine Passports as Part of New Global Digital Health Certificate by Tom Ozimek, The World Health Organization (WHO) said it will take up the European Union’s digital COVID-19 vaccine passport framework as part of a new global network of digital health certificates. The WHO said in a June 5 statement …