Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Debt Ceiling Doubts Skyrocket; Everything Sold by Tyler Durden, Ugly inflation data in the UK was shrugged off by BoE officials (who likely don’t suffer from the cost of living crisis), but overall, today was thin on economic data and fat on economic crisis potential as markets woke up to the reality that the …
Chinese Scientists War-Game Hypersonic Strike on US Carrier Group in South China Sea by Stephen Chen in Beijing, * Military planners conclude the Gerald R. Ford and its fleet could be destroyed ‘with certainty’ in rare published report * The researchers said 24 hypersonic anti-ship missiles were used to sink the US Navy’s newest carrier …
Russia Says Su-27 Jet Sent to Prevent US Planes Violating Border by Russia says it sent a fighter jet to intercept two US B-1B bombers flying over the Baltic Sea in international airspace. – Russia said it scrambled an Su-27 fighter jet to “prevent violations of the state border” by two United States Air …
Dr. David Martin Exposes The (NIH, NIAID, DHHS, DOD, DTRA) Patent For The “Targeting Lipids” Held With Arbutus Biopharma Corp. (Links To Proof In The Description) H.R.4346 – Chips and Science Act117th Congress (2021-2022) – Targeting lipids US9814777B2 Arbutus Biopharma Corp. end
Get Ready for World ID and WorldCoin Universal Basic Income Offering Free Money in Exchange for Your Eyeball Scan by Brian Shilhavy, Editor, Health Impact News, While the American public and even some U.S. politicians have been sounding the alarm recently over the dangers of the potential future rollout of Central Bank Digital Currencies …
COVID Vaccine-Injured Sue Biden Administration Over Censorship by Zachary Stieber, A woman who suffered severe nerve damage after receiving a COVID-19 vaccination and four others with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 vaccine injuries launched a lawsuit against President Joe Biden and his administration on May 22. – Top government officials violated the plaintiffs’ rights to …
What A US Default Would Mean For The Repo Market by Tyler Durden, Two weeks ago we published a lengthy report looking at the hypothetical consequences of a US default – including “Clearinghouse Collapse And Shockwave Of Catastrophic Treasury Margin Calls” – which again are purely hypothetical: as we first said last week… – …
They’re Taking America and System Down – Bill Holter by Greg Hunter’s Precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter is looking at what is going on with the financial system and says there is not really an effort to save it. Holter thinks the moves they are making are designed to take the financial …