Trump Warns US on the Road to the Equivalent of ‘Losing a World War’
- Trump Warns US on the Road to the Equivalent of ‘Losing a World War’
by Charles Creitz | Fox News
China purportedly seeks to supplant the dollar with the yuan as the world’s reserve currency
Former President Donald Trump warned in an interview with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson the potential for China to push a large portion of the world off of the dollar standard would be the equivalent of America losing a world war.
Since the end of World War II – and some believe since the Industrial Revolution – the U.S. dollar has been the dominant currency worldwide. But the Chinese now seek to make the yuan more powerful.
Doing so, critics argue, could render the dollars and U.S. T-bonds held in other countries’ treasuries much less valuable as those governments would no longer hold the world’s dominant currency.
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