Signs Show The Globalists Plans For A Civilization Ending Nuclear War Accelerating: Recent ‘Leaks’ Of ‘Top Secret Docs’ Show A ‘Blame Russia For Nuclear Armageddon’ Narrative Being Framed
- Signs Show The Globalists Plans For A Civilization Ending Nuclear War Accelerating: Recent ‘Leaks’ Of ‘Top Secret Docs’ Show A ‘Blame Russia For Nuclear Armageddon’ Narrative Being Framed
by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die
In this alarming story over at RT that strongly hints of escalating destruction dead ahead they report that according to a Russian Lieutenant General, the ‘biden cabal‘ has resumed its bio-weapons program in Ukraine, building secretive new facilities that’ll presumably be used to create even newer ‘COVID-19‘ bioweapons, and as Steve Quayle warned in an SQnote while linking to that story, any creation of gene specific bioweapons that directly target Russians will only hasten nukes being launched upon the USA.
With that report interestingly coming out at a time when an alleged ‘leak‘ has allegedly ‘startled‘ the biden administration, with none other than the NY Times reporting a whole boatload of ‘top secret‘ documents related to war and Ukraine and China and have come out on the internet, with the classified documents that were ‘leaked‘ online allegedly adding ‘turmoil‘ to the biden cabal’s plans because they ‘allegedly’ contained ‘secrets‘ that they didn’t want Russia or the American people to know, we urge you to note we’ve highlighted that word ‘allegedly’ based on Sun Tzu’s legendary book “The Art of War.”
Because with one of the most famous quotes from that book being “All warfare is based on deception. Hence, when we are able to attack, we must seem unable; when using our forces, we must appear inactive; when we are near, we must make the enemy believe we are far away; when far away, we must make him believe we are near,” as the Conservative Treehouse reports of that ‘leak,’ we must look much deeper than just ‘the leak’ if we want to see the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
Reporting within their story that the fact that this story first surfaced in the NY Times tells us something huge with the NYT proven to be one of the totally controlled msm outlets spewing ‘state/communist propaganda,’ we’re also warned this story being kicked off by the NYT is designed to ‘shape opinion and a narrative with the mass domestic audience’ with a motive towards something else, giving the deep state the perfect opportunity in this case to frame a ‘Russian dis/mis/mal-information narrative.’ Are we witnessing a ‘blame Russia for the upcoming nuclear war‘ narrative being framed? From this Conservative Treehouse story before we continue.:
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