We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?
- We Are Being Smashed Politically, Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite’s ‘Great Reset’: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?
by Robert J. Burrowes, https://www.globalresearch.ca/
Since the dawn of human civilization 5,000 years ago, ordinary people like you and me have been engaged in an endless struggle to resist efforts by elites, whether local, national, international or global, to assert complete control over us and the resources around us.
And for 5,000 years, with some wins and a great many losses, we have managed to stave off the worst. Finally, in January 2020, the World Economic Forum launched its ‘Great Reset’: The final assault in the Elite’s long war against humankind and nature itself. As we pass the third anniversary since this final battle was launched, it is well worth evaluating the progress of our resistance.
Is our resistance being effective? Are we succeeding? Unfortunately, as is obvious from any serious evaluation, we are being smashed. Let me explain why.
[While they are not addressed in this article, I wish to acknowledge the range of other profound threats that pose a serious risk to any worthwhile human future, most notably the threat of nuclear war which arguably stands greater than at any previous time in human history.]
Evaluating Progress
Any strategy to resolve a conflict of this nature must begin with a sound analysis of what is happening:
Who is driving it (which answers the question ‘Who benefits?’) What do they intend? Why are they doing it? And how?
Only once these questions have been clearly answered is it possible to develop a strategy that will be adequate to the challenge posed by the threat.
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