The Coming Storm: Elites Carefully Laid Plan of Genocide
- The Coming Storm: Elites Carefully Laid Plan of Genocide
by Lewis Brackett,
Nay, many would argue, and with good reason, that the storm in already upon us. Decades ago, none of us could imagine the world we now live in. An old timer I knew a number of years ago lament to me, saying “where is my country? This is not the country I grew up in.” I sadly echoed his dismay. Neither do I now recognize my country.
This article is not to frighten anyone. Its purpose is to educate, and get the fence sitters off the fence. Remember that the Devil owns the fence too! Truth has become an orphan, despised, shunned and rejected. It’s voice mocked by all the “right” people. Do not dare listen to her voice, lest you also occupy the same gutter where truth finds itself.
Climate Change, the new ideology.
Beside the pathetic triune god of Darwin, Freud and Marx, ((see my last article here,)) we see the “new” doctrine of climate change. Ignore the facts that every now and again (few centuries) the climate changes like the weather. This is something you are not supposed to notice. The Elites stooges have been editing, altering and thus burning the books for over 100 years. Beware that after defaming and burning the books they start defaming and burning the people of these books. The Roman writers Pliny the elder and Tacitus wrote about their world. In their time all of North Africa was a fertile prairie where the grain was grown and It’s seaports of Carthage and Cyrene fed the Roman empire. Egypt’s Sinai was a forested wilderness instead of today’s desert. Egypt had vast forests, was green hundreds of miles south into the prosperous African kingdoms. Shades of Ozymandias, their kingdoms’ greatness is now only blowing dust.
Israel and Lebanon had vast forests of trees, and fertile valleys and coastal lowlands. This fertile Crescent extended through Syria and into Iraq, where now it’s nearly barren desert. The latest climate change happened between the ninth to the middle of the fourteenth centuries, which resulted in a far warmer period than it is today.
Today’s climate alarmists totally ignore these truths, hysterically wailing that these eras never existed, that the little ice age from 1350 to the latter part of the 19th century had been the Normal for 12.000 years. Talk about burning the books!
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