Chicago Dad Placed on Watchlist After Opposing Pornography in Schools

- Chicago Dad Placed on Watchlist After Opposing Pornography in Schools
by Joseph Lord,
A Chicago father has learned that he has been placed on a flight watchlist after opposing pornographic materials in his kids’ schools. Over the summer of 2021, Terry Newsome—who described himself in comments to the Epoch Times as “raised Democrat”—was one of several parents in the 99th school district of Downer’s Grove, Chicago, who expressed opposition to books in his children’s library that had sexually explicit and pornographic content.
In December, Newsome discovered he had been placed on a watchlist. On Dec. 16, 2022, he and his family attempted to board a plane en route to Turning Point USA’s “America Fest” convention in Phoenix, Arizona. Newsome, who travels a great deal for work, was shocked to learn that he had been placed on a watchlist and had to get substantially more screening before being allowed to board, causing him to miss his original flight.
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