Doctors Discover 94% Of the Vwacxinated Have Abnormal Blood: Peer-Reviewed Study Reveals Shocking Findings
- Doctors Discover 94% Of the Vaccinated Have Abnormal Blood: Peer-Reviewed Study Reveals Shocking Findings
Dozens of headlines emerged this week chronicling the gripping story of a baby from New Zealand. Four-month-old Will was born with a heart condition that would require surgery. His mother and father wanted to move forward with the operation but had concerns about the effects of experimental mRNA. As a precaution, they requested doctors use unvaccinated blood for his transfusion. Rather than respecting their personal medical decisions, police officers broke into the couple’s home at 11:00 pm. Authorities seized the infant and forced him to undergo invasive procedures.
Media outlets pounced on the distraught parents by labeling them as conspiracy theorists and ‘dangerous’ anti-vaxxers. While some people protested in retaliation of perceived government overreach, others cheered as the distraught family was torn apart. So-called experts simultaneously surfaced and insisted there is no difference between vaccinated and unvaccinated blood. However, a peer-reviewed study by a group of Italian doctors proves this claim couldn’t be further from the truth.
A Bioweapon in Disguise
Published within the International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research (IJVTPR) is a paper titled Dark-Field Microscopic Analysis on the Blood of 1,006 Symptomatic Persons After Anti-COVID mRNA Injections from Pfizer/BioNTech or Moderna. This document chronicles the findings of a scientific investigation that began in March 2021. During the study, a team of physicians closely monitored immunized individuals experiencing subsequent health issues. More than one thousand patients had numerous vials of blood drawn. Researchers analyzed the samples with a high-powered microscope. What the healthcare professionals discovered was so alarming that they felt compelled to alert the medical community. Here are some of the anomalies repeatedly observed: Severe hemolysis (destruction of red blood cells) Aggregation and rouleaux stacking Presence of manmade materials & metallic objects The appearance of graphene-family super structures Abnormal distribution of red blood cells Deformation of the cell profile Clumping & clotting of the red blood cells
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