Global Tensions Rise Over Russia And Ukraine – What Happens Next?
- Global Tensions Rise Over Russia And Ukraine – What Happens Next?
by Brandon Smith,
There comes a point in the lifespan of any economic or political analysis when most of your observations or predictions either become mostly wrong, or mostly right. If you have done your job properly through due diligence, research and applied practical insight, then you will be in a position to point out why the dominoes are falling. People have to understand how these events were predictable so that the can prepare better in the future.
The mainstream media, politicians and global banks will tell the public that “no one could have seen these events coming.” This is a lie. Some of us in the alternative fields did see them coming and with considerable clarity. The establishment and their defenders don’t want you to know that. They will deny up and down that we predicted anything; they’ll claim that we don’t exist, that our analysis never happened, or as a last ditch effort they’ll claim that they saw it all coming before we did.
The mainstream officials and analysts have to maintain their image of public authority, and they can’t do that if “upstarts” in the alternative arena are constantly right while they are constantly wrong. They have all the fancy Ivy League degrees, after all.
In my article ‘The Globalist Reset Agenda Has Failed – Is Ukraine Plan B?’, published in January of this year, I outlined why I believed that a war between Ukraine and Russia was the most likely crisis to follow after the hype of the covid pandemic faded away.
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