Large German Insurer Reports Staggering Rise in Adverse Effects from COxVID-1×9 Vwacxines
- Large German Insurer Reports Staggering Rise in Adverse Effects from COVID-19 Vaccines
by Thorsteinn Siglaugsson, 2nd Smartest Guy in the World
According to a response to an official request for information from the German Techniker Krankenkasse insurer, the number of billed cases of vaccine-related adverse effects needing medical treatment skyrocketed in 2021 compared with 2019 and 2020. The request relates to four diagnostic codes:
* T.88.0: Infection following immunisation
* T.88.1: Other complications after immunisation
* U.12.9: Adverse effects after Covid-19 immunisation
* Y.59.9: Complications due to vaccines or biological substances
In 2019, the total number of confirmed diagnoses was 13,777. In 2020 it was 15,044. In 2021 the total number was 437,593. This is more than thirty-fold the average for those four codes in 2019-2020, a 2,937% increase.
More precisely, it is the T.88.1 – Other complications after immunization, and U.12.9 – Adverse effects after Covid-19 immunization – that are spiking. The latter code of course has no data for the prior years, but close to 150 thousand incidences in 2021.
Approximately 11 million people are insured by the Techniker Krankenkasse. 473,593 cases of medical treatment resulting from vaccination thus amounts to around one in every 23 people vaccinated, assuming all 11 million are vaccinated. The rate for 2019 and 2020 is one in every 760 people.
The vaccination effort against COVID-19 is unprecedented in its scale and thus a rise in the number of adverse effects is to be expected. But what should be expected? We can try to correct for the difference in scale to compare the COVID-19 vaccination effort with vaccination for other diseases. As the German total numbers are not easy to come by, we approximate this by using worldwide estimates. In 2017, the WHO estimates 2.7 billion vaccine doses were administered worldwide. In 2021, 57.7% of the world’s population had received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccine, which amounts to about 4.55 billion people. From this we can conclude the number of persons vaccinated against COVID-19 last year was about 1.7 times the number otherwise vaccinated against other diseases. Thus, assuming the number of people vaccinated against other diseases stayed the same, the number vaccinated in total against any disease in 2021 was just under three times the earlier number. Correcting for this difference we get a tenfold increase in adverse effects needing medical treatment. This is a rough estimate, but gives us some idea of the actual rate.
Last February, a board member of another German insurance company, BKK Provita, Andreas Schöfbeck, informed the Paul Ehrlich Institute of a tenfold rise in the incidence rate of adverse effects among the company‘s clients, due to the COVID-19 vaccines. Schöfbeck was promptly fired from the company after his disclosure.
The US VAERS database shows a 35-fold increase in reported vaccine-related deaths in 2021 compared with 2019. In 2021, Iceland saw a 160-fold increase in reports of all adverse effects from vaccination compared with 2019. In July of this year, the Icelandic National Health Insurance had received 40 applications for damages resulting from COVID-19 vaccination, approximately one for every 8,000 people vaccinated.
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