“Cox-vid” Deaths Hit New Record in Hyper-vWacxi-nated Australia — ADE & the Destruction of the Immune System
- “Covid” deaths hit new record in hyper-vaccinated Australia
by Ethan Huff, https://www.naturalnews.com/
(Natural News) The latest figures are in, and things are not looking good for “fully vaccinated” Australia. Even though more than 96 percent of the native population there took the first two mRNA (messenger RNA) jabs for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), and more than 70 percent are fully “boosted,” Chinese Virus deaths throughout the country have reached a record high.
The following data chart clearly shows that ever since the launch of Operation Warp Speed, injection-related deaths Down Under have been soaring. As of this writing, a peak has formed to suggest that with the passage of time, the fully injected are dropping dead at an ever-increasing rate.
Had Australia opted for ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) instead of Fauci Flu shots, the plandemic would have ended ages ago. Instead, Australia is now seeing mass death rather than a recovery. (Related: Australian officials want Aussies to get injected a bi-annual intervals for the rest of time.)
In fact, there were almost no covid-related deaths at all in Australia prior to the launch of the “vaccines.” There was a small peak in the fall of 2020 followed by a precipitous drop back to baselines levels, followed by a massive peak once people started getting injected.
Interestingly, the booster shot campaign was followed by another massive spike and peak, which will more than likely be followed by continued increases in the death count as antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) and other jab-induced health conditions take their toll.
“We were warned, but only intelligent people listened,” wrote a commenter in response to the news. “Antibody-dependent enhancement is happening, it is real, and it destroys the immune system.”
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