Great Reset Will Be the Great Reject – David Morgan
- Great Reset Will Be the Great Reject – David Morgan
by Greg Hunter’s
Economic analyst and financial writer David Morgan predicted in early March, “When you get gasoline going up to the $5, $6, $7 range and you’ve got food going up to the level it’s gone up to and continues to go up to, it’s going to be bad.” Morgan was right, and he says this destabilization of the middle-class is all part of the so-called “Great Reset” by the global elite. Morgan says this is not going to turn out like the globalists want. Morgan says, “This is not about money–it’s about control. They want absolute control.”
What can people do to make the “Great Reset” not work? Morgan says, “It’s the ‘Great Reject.’ You do not participate in the ‘Great Reset.’ You stay out of the system to the best of your ability, which means you use cash like Catherine Austin Fitts talks about. You can trade in silver and gold. Some states allow you to do that, and more are coming on all the time, putting into law the ability to transact in gold and silver in that state . . . to be able to use gold and silver again. Mitigate your food situation by growing some of your own. . . . Get friendly with farmers. There are a lot of things you can do that are pretty simple. There a lot of things you can do that put you in control. They want this . . . but it’s not going to happen. What they want is the ‘New World Order,’ or globalism. What they are really going to get is the opposite. . . . You are going to see a disintegration of that kind of power base and get more local. As the situation gets worse and worse, the smaller communities will get together and say what can we do to survive? So, they are basically going to get the opposite of what they want.”
Morgan talks about the deflationary nature of all these CV19 injections. He also talks about why silver and gold work best in deflationary environments. Morgan tells you the importance of having cash and predicts extreme inflation and deflation coming at the same time, which is the definition of stagflation last seen in the 1970’s. This time, Morgan says it will be far worse and predicts, “The next ‘Great Depression’ will make the last ‘Great Depression’ look like a small technical correction. . . . . The worse you inflate or destroy the value of a currency, the worse the repercussions are. . . . Not only are Social Security and pension plans going to collapse, but it is the system at large. It is going to be pervasive; it will touch almost every person.”
In closing, Morgan says, “We are fighting evil people, but are we fighting more than evil people at the top? . . . We are fighting principalities and powers of evil.”