Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Elites Finally Reveal Their #1 Enemy: CHRISTIANS by WND Staff, In-depth report documents shocking new wave of attacks on believers in the U.S. – Two shocking and unprecedented megatrends are unfolding simultaneously in the United States of America right now. The first is the explosion of what can only be described as openly predatory …
Rationing Has Already Started In Europe As The Entire Globe Plunges Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare by If countries in Europe are already beginning to ration certain things due to “supply problems”, how long will it be before it starts happening in the United States? Up until the past couple of years, many of …
Joe Biden Covered Hunter’s Russia-Linked Hooker Tab; Leaked Audio Proves Joe Spoke Of Dealings by Tyler Durden, President Joe Biden inadvertently paid son Hunter’s tab to a Russia-linked escort ring, the Washington Examiner reports, citing records from the first son’s infamous laptop. – After Hunter spent more than $30,000 on prostitutes between November 2018 and March …
Russia & China have broken the financial hegemony of the West via SWIFT. No longer can the West imposed sanctions and enforce it using their SWIFT system, as in the past. It also means the Dollar’s global monetary hegemony is largely over. America (& Europe) can sanction all they want. The rest of the world …
War propaganda!! Pretext for positioning of NATO troops for WW3! NATO about to ignite WW3 while pointing the finger at Russia and pretending to be Righteous Victims reacting defensively. The West wants WW3!! – Baltic Nations Demand a New Garrison of 50,000 NATO Troops to Stop Putin Surrounding Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia with Lightning Assault …
Will the Blockade of Kaliningrad Ignite WW3? by Jeremiah Johnson, Most are unaware of the Lithuanian blockade preventing the flow of goods into Kaliningrad. Fewer still understand the significance of this strategic area, a small plot of land that may very well touch off a world war between Russia and her allies and NATO. …