The Future Is NOW UPON Us As The Agenda To Implement Global Totalitarianism Based On Technocratic And Transhumanist Ideologies Speeds Up Human Extinction
“Can a ‘Microscopic Tag’ be implanted in every person’s body to track their every move…you’ll be ruling on that…” -Biden to SCOTUS nominee John Roberts, 2005
— Liz Churchill🇨🇦 (@liz_churchill_) June 13, 2022
- The Future Is NOW UPON Us As The Agenda To Implement Global Totalitarianism Based On Technocratic And Transhumanist Ideologies Speeds Up Human Extinction
by Alan Barton – All News PipeLine
From the tweet above, “Can a ‘Microscopic Tag’ be implanted in every person’s body to track their every move…you’ll be ruling on that…” -Biden to SCOTUS nominee John Roberts, 2005. Consider that for a moment and tell me what he knew seventeen years ago and what his ideas and plans are now. Watch it and listen to the other ideas he brings up for a real start. Joey Dementia is seriously evil for even bringing that stuff up but big mouth that he is, he gave away the plans. A Hollywood producer named Aaron Russo that passed on way back in 2007 brought up the same idea but in a much more full fashion including the intentions of it all in the first video below in an interview with Alex Jones; please take the 8 minutes to watch it, it is well worth the time. But of course, the “fact checkers” (code for the radical lefts anti-truth warriors) said Biden was not announcing an agenda for chipping people. No, of course not, how could one think that may be the case?
So just what is an RFID tag? Fundamentally it is the same thing as a bar code that can be implanted into almost anything whereas a barcode is something that can be printed and applied as a sticker or direct printed onto a product or package. Usually FRID is faster to scan (not direct line of sight required) and can contain more information in the code itself, but they both feed information because the data is NOT stored directly in the code but is like an address to obtain the full information. The code reader emits a burst of RF that starts the chip to send out its ID number and the reader then stores that and links to the relevant databases. And as they can be implanted inside of the object they are not subject to the wear and tear that a printed code is. Although metal objects cannot affect a printed barcode, it can affect the readability of an RFID tag if it interferes with the reader’s access to the chip. At the grocery checkout a barcode is scanned and in many other shops like the hardware store or clothing store the RFID chips are implanted in or on the product and is why they can tell if you have on a new shirt over your old one or are sneaking out a box of staples from the office store.
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