Alarming Chart Shows Rapid Escalation Of Mysterious Destructive Events Hitting America’s Food Supply Chain With Meat Under All Out Attack As The Globalists Push ‘Crickets’ As New Superfood
- Alarming Chart Shows Rapid Escalation Of Mysterious Destructive Events Hitting America’s Food Supply Chain With Meat Under All Out Attack As The Globalists Push ‘Crickets’ As New Superfood
by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die,
– Are Food Recalls Being Redirected To The Globalists Underground Bunkers For TEOTWAWKI?
In the alarming chart we see above that begins back in February of 2019, we see a massive escalation of ‘destructive events’ at America’s food processing plants all across the nation as also seen in the map below, with an absolutely stunning list coming to us from this Gateway Pundit story showing at least 99 such ‘events‘ at US food facilities that have been destroyed, damaged or impacted by “accidental fires,” disease, or general causes dating back to January of 2021.
With the mainstream media deciding to weigh in on all of these events, of course labeling them as a ‘far-right wing conspiracy theory’ as also reported in this story over at Politifact, as well as this story over at EuroNews which called them ‘false reports’, as we’ll explore within this ANP story, it’s not just food processing plants getting hit but more and more recalls on food products over ‘safety concerns‘ as seen in this still-growing list of recalls from the Food and Drug Administration.
And with this all happening at the same time as food shortages happening all across the United States as Susan Duclos had pointed out in this June 17th ANP story titled “Trucker Warning: ‘You’ll See Chaos As People Fight For The Basic Necessities Of Everyday Life’ – Shocking Updates On The Supply Chain Crisis And Food Shortages,” it’s easy to see the true big picture, no matter how much the msm babbles ‘conspiracy theory‘.
And we’re getting some signs from even the least expected places and sources of what’s ahead for America as reported in this recent Post Millennial story reporting on Washington’s Democrat governor Jay Inslee recently sending out an eerie letter to his supporters predicting that they are in for a summer of “blackouts, destruction, and death” over the alleged climate crisis.
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