NATO Pushing for Kaliningrad CATASTROPHE by Provoking Russia into Global Nuclear War
- NATO Pushing for Kaliningrad CATASTROPHE by Provoking Russia into Global Nuclear War
by Mike Adams,
(Natural News) The railway blockade of Kaliningrad is obviously a setup to try to provoke Russia into “attacking” a NATO member (Lithuania) so that NATO and the USA can justify a full-scale military assault on Russia. Once again, the neocons are scheming to plunge the world into global thermonuclear war in order to destroy the United States of America while attempting to maintain dictatorial control over the world’s natural resources and monetary systems.
To understand the full dynamic of what’s happening, you need to first learn about the geography of Kaliningrad. This Russian territory sits on the Baltic Sea, providing Russia its only year-round ocean access that isn’t frozen over for part of the year. Kaliningrad is land-locked, however, and not physically connected to the Russian mainland. A railway runs through Lithuania, connecting Kaliningrad to Russia proper. This railway passage has been in place for decades and has always been respected by Lithuania as Russia’s right-of-way to supply Kaliningrad.
See this map from Encyclopedia Britannica. Kaliningrad is shown roughly in the center of this map, to the west of Lithuania:
Lithuania’s railroad blockade
Under pressure from NATO and the USA, Lithuania (a NATO member nation) has now blockaded about half the cargo on that railroad, essentially declaring an illegal wartime blockade of Kaliningrad. This is an act of war against Russia, and it violates EU rules allowing open access across borders.
Russia has demanded an immediate reversal of the blockade, with the Russian Foreign Ministry saying, “If in the near future cargo transit between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of the territory of the Russian Federation through Lithuania is not restored in full, then Russia reserves the right to take actions to protect its national interests.” (SOURCE)
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