Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Flashback: US Staged a Coup in Ukraine – Here’s Why And How by Chris Kanthan, August 15, 2018, The truth about the coup in Ukraine is that it hasn’t benefited anyone other than the warmongers. – What’s the official narrative about the events in late 2013 and early 2014 in Kiev, Ukraine? There was …
Ukraine Transition Government: Neo-Nazis in Control of Armed Forces, National Security, Economy, Justice and Education by Greg Rose,, via, March 02, 2014 The ultra-right Svoboda Party has scored six major cabinet ministries in the government of Arseniy Yatsenyuk approved by the Ukrainian parliament on Thursday. Svoboda is the Neo-Nazi, ultra-right, anti-Semitic, Russophobic party …
Military Doctor: Defense Medical Database Totally Corrupted as Vwax Injuries Scrubbed by Bob Unruh, ‘A healthy population should not be seeing these things’ – Military physicians who were alarmed by the recent documentation of a 300% increase in cancer cases diagnosed among service members, as well as surges in miscarriages, myocarditis, Bell’s palsy and …
Belarus Just Mobilized Troops, Artillery, and More To Ukraine Border by Aden Tate, NATO has just begun a new military exercise, Defender Europe 2022, and it seems to have had some unexpected consequences – Belarus just mobilized its military. At least, that’s the reason Belarus is giving us for why they’ve recently started moving …
The Drums of War Beat Louder by Paul Craig Roberts, My forebodings/predictions about the Kremlin’s limited go-slow war in Ukraine are proving correct. Putin and Russia are demonized. Unprecedented sanctions amounting to piracy and theft have been imposed on Russia. The US and Europe are joining the war as de facto combatants. More countries are joining …