The Media Is Ignoring These Two Events Which Could Cause Economic Collapse

- The Media Is Ignoring These Two Events Which Could Cause Economic Collapse
by Brandon Smith,
Way back in 2014 I wrote an article titled False East/West Paradigm Hides the Rise of Global Currency. I was inspired to cover the issue due to three specific trends which at the time were concerning.
The first trend was the increased mention within globalist circles of something called the “Great Reset.” Christine Lagarde who, as the head of the IMF at the time, was suddenly throwing the phrase around in press interviews and in Q&A events at the World Economic Forum. This appeared to me to be a rebranding of the “New World Order” agenda which establishment elites had been known to mutter about in moments of rare honesty. It indicated a concerted push towards global centralization in the face of economic and social decline within nations.
The second trend was the shift of Eastern nations into a more open partnership with global banks, including the IMF’s inclusion of China in the Special Drawing Rights basket system, and in the case of Russia, Goldman Sachs becoming deeply entrenched as an “economic adviser” to the Kremlin.
The third trend was the inexplicable rush by both Chinese and Russian central banks to buy up as much physical gold as possible. To my mind, the ONLY reason for China and Russia to buy up precious metals was as a hedge against inflation and currency collapse; specifically, as a hedge against the collapse of the U.S. dollar as the world reserve currency. This could be precipitated by the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) nations and others dropping the dollar in global trade, or by an economic war in which using the dollar became untenable for eastern countries.
It was as if the relationship between the East and the globalists had evolved into something else – clearly, Russia and China had been warned about the Great Reset agenda and both nations were now positioning to survive the fallout. The program to destroy the U.S. dollar and diminish the U.S. economy has been openly admitted by globalists for many years. Back in 1988 the Rothschild owned magazine The Economist essentially admitted to the plan in an article titled Get Ready for a World Currency.
The article admitted that in approximately 30 years (in other words, today) there would be a decline in the economic influence of the U.S. and the dollar, leading to the institution of a new currency which they called the Phoenix backed by the IMF SDR basket. This agenda has been reiterated by global institutions over and over again the past few decades and it appears that it is now being enacted through an engineered economic war between the East and the West, just as I predicted.
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