Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
German Chemical Giant Warns Of “Total Collapse” If Russian Gas Supply Cut by Tyler Durden, CEO of Germany’s multinational BASF SE, the world’s largest chemical producer, has warned that curbing or cutting off energy imports from Russia would bring into doubt the continued existence of small and medium-sized energy companies, and further would likely …
Pippa Malmgren, Economist At The World Government Summit 2022She states her belief that the world financial system is about to switch accounting systems & digital money. Not decentralized cryptos, but centralized CBDCs (central bank digital currency) — Wittgenstein (@backtolife_2022) March 30, 2022 BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Economist at World Government Summit Says New Financial World Order …
See also: – Maduro: BRICS countries are building a new financial system to bypass the dollar – The BRICS Countries Are Setting Up a New Financial System, Says Maduro by Jeanette, The president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, has assured that the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) are building an architecture …
CDC has a civic duty to do rigorously study the long-term effects of vaccine-induced myocarditis. New follow-up study 3-8 months after myocarditis shows the MRI heart abnormality of late gadolinium enhancement seen in 63% of children. Merits further study. — Marty Makary MD, MPH (@MartyMakary) March 27, 2022 Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived/manipulated, useful …
Ukraine Provoked Putin’s Invasion by (Pro Western protesters were killed by CIA-trained snipers in order to provoke 2014 Maidan color revolution which deposed the pro-Russian President Yanukovych) – This war is really about Russia’s refusal to be destroyed from within by the Atlanticist agents of the satanist central banking cartel. And from without, by Ukraine at its …
The Media is the Number One Cause of War Since 1898 by Simon Black, In 1895, a 32-year old entrepreneur in New York City bought a failing newspaper and hatched a bold plan to turn it around. The newspaper industry was cutthroat, especially in New York. There were at least 16 other daily newspapers …
Silver Bullion TV SBTV spoke with Nick Giambruno, founder of the Financial Underground, about how the latest developments in the China-Saudi Yuan oil deal and locking out Russia from the SWIFT system are warnings of the coming Dollar demise. Nick Giambruno’s The Financial Underground: Discussed in this interview: – 00:00 Introduction 02:17 Ruling the …
maneco64 Video Chapters: 00:00 Introduction 01:50 The Smithsonian Agreement 07:05 The Petrodollar 08:13 Gold-backed or commodity basket? 09:42 The demise of “IOU Nothing” currencies 10:27 US to provide Europe with Natural Gas? 14:12 China & Russia alliance 17:07 Multipolar World 19:02 Market update 22:50 Conclusion – Today we will look back at the demise of …
Liberty and Finance Interest rates are going to rise considerably higher than expectations, forecasts Alasdair MacLeod, head of research at Gold Money. As rates rise, the value of bonds will fall, central banks’ balance sheets will collapse in value. Skyrocketing rates are poised to “destabilize the global financial system,” Macleod says, as he explains the …