Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
SGT Report Dr. Len Horowitz returns to SGT Report with some jaw dropping bombshells. Len knows Tony Fauci personally and he believes Fauci is not only a psychopath, but a man who has also given himself over to a demonic influence. Len also explains exactly who the enemies of humanity are and from where they …
See also: – A Compact Graphene Based Nano-Antenna for Communication in Nano-Network Nanotechnology and vaccine development Facile Synthesis of N-Doped Graphene Quantum Dots as Novel Transfection Agents for mRNA and pDNA Advancements in research and development to combat COVID-19 using nanotechnology – Graphene Oxide & Nano-Router Circuitry in Covid Vaccines: Uncovering the True Purpose of …
Vaccines as Vectors for the Installation of Nanotechnology: Evidence That Nano Receiving Antennas Are Being Inoculated Into the Human Body by Mik Andersen, Corona2Inspect, via Evidence Found That Would Confirm the Theory of Nano-Networks Centered in the Human Body: Nano-Rectennas – Published in Spanish December 16, 2021 rough translation via translation software Research on nanocommunication networks for …
Are You or Someone Around You Chipped? How to Find Out… by Dr Ricardo Delgado of La Quinta Columna shows us how to see if people around us have been nano-chipped by the vaxx. – TRANSCRIPT/TRANSLATION Did you know that if you are vaccinated, you emit a MAC address that is visible on any …
The term “New World Order” is a Satanic code/term for the endtimes world empire of the Anti-Christ. When an important world leader, especially a Globalist/Illuminist, uses it, you should take note. He is announcing the arrival of the Anti-Christ world empire. Most people who uses it, the “unwash sheeple”, do not understand the significance of …
A Manufactured World Crisis by Llewellyn H. Rockwell Jr., Few people today ask the most important question about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. Many people want America to stay out of the fight, but even they don’t ask the vital question. Why does the world face a crisis today? Why has a border …
Leaders Warn of ‘Unprecedented’ Global Food Crisis Risks by The French president presented his own plan for food security and called on Russia to be “responsible” – G7 leaders have called for an extraordinary session of the Council of the Food and Agriculture Organization in a bid to prevent the Ukrainian conflict from turning …
Biden’s Food Shortage, Inflation Everywhere, Vax = AIDS by Greg Hunter’s (WNW 521 3.25.22) Biden is going to own a lot of screwups, and you can add another to a long list of hardships heaped on Americans—food shortages. The food shortages are compliments of the Biden/Obama policies of war and sanctions against Russia. Russia is a …
Daily Mail Drops Hunter Biden Emails Linking Him To Ukraine Biolab Funding by Tyler Durden, Emails from Hunter Biden’s notorious laptop reveal that the first son helped secure millions of dollars for a DoD contractor – Metabiota – which specializes in researching pandemic-causing diseases that could be used as bioweapons, according to the Daily Mail, …
Washington Is Delirious With War Fever – For No Reason of Homeland Security by David Stockman, Economic, social and political dangers abound. That’s because Washington and its subservient mainstream media are delirious with war fever like at no time in the last seven decades. – The resulting reckless pursuit of an unhinged Sanctions War …
WW3 Will Feature ‘Deception In Cyberspace’ With Nations Carrying Out False Flag Operations: False Flag Cyberattacks Deceive, Misdirect, Change Agendas And Create Imaginary Threats by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die, – Cyberattacks That Send America Back To The Dark Ages Likely Carried Out By Globalists – While going …
Elite Flock To Doomsday Bunkers – World Bank Tells Peasant Class NOT To Store Food by Humans Are Free, via Since the invasion of Ukraine began, manufacturers of doomsday bunkers have seen a massive spike in sales. This is typical during any crisis as people wait until the last minute to start preparing. What sets …
Will Putin Be Framed For The Release Of Bioweapons And Tactical Nukes? The Doug And Dave Intel Report by Dave Hodges, Since White House’s Press Secretary’s first press conference on the Ukraine War, as well as the early Pentagon press conferences, the Biden administration has been accusing of the Russians of inciting a false …
OBAMA’S THIRD TERM: In 2014, America Overthrew The Government Of Ukraine, In 2022 Biden Just Announced Regime Change Is Coming To Russia by Geoffrey Grider, In his speech, Biden urged democracies around the world to unify against Russia and commit to a historic battle against authoritarian aggression. “In this battle, we need to be …
See also: – Why is the West Silent About Ukrainian Neo-Nazi Movements, Azov Battalion, & Bandera Legacy? – West Well Aware of Racism, Neo-Nazism & Atrocities in Ukraine But Keeps It on Hush-Hush – Scholars by Ekaterina Blinova, As Russia continues to conduct its special operation in Ukraine to denazify the county, social media …
America Makes Nazism Great Again? by Pepe Escobar, The supreme target is regime change in Russia, Ukraine is just a pawn in the game – or worse, mere cannon fodder… – All eyes are on Mariupol. As of Wednesday night, over 70% of residential areas were under control of Donetsk and Russian forces, while …
The Jimmy Dore Show Ukraine war boosters are desperate to de-Nazify the Ukrainian military, but members of the Azov Battallion, the C14 group and any number of other paramilitary organizations seem determined to flaunt their neo-Nazi pride. Most recently, the Ukrainian military even adopted the Nazi-era slogan of “Glory to Ukraine!”, making apologists’ job all …
Unbeknown to Most, A Financial Revolution Is Coming That Threatens to Change Everything (And Not for the Better) by Nick Corbishley, Given how much is at stake, this financial revolution is among the most important questions today’s societies could possibly grapple with. It should be under discussion in every parliament of every land, and …