Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Today, some French minister has said that they declared an economic war on Russia. Watch your tongue, gentlemen! And don’t forget that in human history, economic wars quite often turned into real ones — Dmitry Medvedev (@MedvedevRussiaE) March 1, 2022 EU Will Wage Total Economic & Financial War Against Russia, French Finance Minister Says by …
Finland to Debate NATO Petition in Parliament by Helsinki (AFP) – Finnish MPs will debate how to handle a petition calling for a vote on NATO membership on Tuesday as a poll showed a historic change in attitude in the traditionally non-aligned country after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. – Prime Minister Sanna Marin said in …
As World War 3 Escalates, Get Ready For A Terrifying Breakdown Of Our Food & Energy Systems by Michael Snyder, If you believe that your life will continue on as normal because the war between Russia and Ukraine is on the other side of the globe, you should think again. We were already facing …
German foreign minister Annalena Baerbock: “We buy 50% of our #coal from Russia. If we exclude Russia from #SWIFT the lights in #Germany will go out.” yeah maybe should have thought of that before shutting down your nuclear power stations — steve hilton (@SteveHiltonx) February 27, 2022 US, Germany Continue To Allow Gas Transactions With …
Please allow me to simplify the SWIFT discussion. Russia doesn't get dollars for free; they get dollars for oil. If you ban SWIFT payments, Russia will stop selling oil. That's about 9% of global output. There's an energy shortage already. The result will be a global depression. — Jim Rickards (@JamesGRickards) February 27, 2022
xCo-vid Deaths in the xVax-cinated Rise While Those in the Unvaccinated Fall, UKHSA Data Show by I’ll start off this week with data not from the latest UKHSA Vaccine Surveillance Report, nor even from the U.K. – the first chart for today shows the excess deaths in Israel since 2017 for those aged 65 or …
Dr. Zelenko: “Yes, The xWac-xinated Have AIDS” – xWax-cine Induced AIDS by Well folks, there you have it. Dr. Zelenko does not mince words and he just came right out and said it on Clay Clarke’s show: yes, the vaccinated have AIDS. Not HIV-produced AIDS, but make no mistake they have AIDS. – AIDS …
‘Question All Of It’ – The Current Western Propaganda For Ukraine Is Epic In Scale by ‘Sundance’, via When we shared yesterday that all interested observers should be very wary of the information from media sources around Ukraine, there was a reason for that. Question everything. Take nothing at face value. – If you have …
Rare Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome Detected in Vaccinated Young: Lancet Study by Naveen Athrappully, Some vaccinated youngsters in the 12–20 age group have reported a hyper-inflammatory condition where the body’s immune system goes into overdrive and shows symptoms of fever and systemic inflammation involving multiple organ systems, according to a study published Tuesday. – There …
Russia And China Might Collectively Challenge The Dollar’s Reserve Status by QTR’s Fringe Finance, The war being waged by Russia in Ukraine shows no signs of coming to any type of peaceful end. Meanwhile, it appears to me that a separate war on the U.S. dollar could be “officially” waged at any moment, by …
Biden Regime Claims Russia is About to Unleash Cyberattack Against Power Plants, Banks And Water Treatment Facilities by Ethan Huff, (Natural News) The United States war machine is drumming up fresh fears about an impending cyberattack that it is already blaming on Russia. As the corporate-controlled media claims that Vladimir Putin is making his way …
"This is not the outcome we sought to prevent," said #US State Department spokesman on the current #Ukraine war. Just a slip of the tongue? — Hua Chunying 华春莹 (@SpokespersonCHN) February 28, 2022 “They Actually Want Russia To Invade” – Beijing Slams Biden For Allegedly Provoking Putin by Tyler Durden, Amid mixed headlines …
Stansberry Research Bitcoin is a short credit position, “meaning when you own bitcoin, you have a short position on sovereign debt,” says Greg Foss, Executive Director of Validus Power Corp. “In my thirty years [as a trader], Bitcoin is the best asymmetric trade opportunity and investment opportunity I have ever seen,” he tells our Daniela …