Vwax-cines as Vectors for the Installation of Nanotechnology: Evidence That Nano Receiving Antennas Are Being Ino-culated Into the Human Body
- Vaccines as Vectors for the Installation of Nanotechnology: Evidence That Nano Receiving Antennas Are Being Inoculated Into the Human Body
by Mik Andersen, Corona2Inspect, via https://truthcomestolight.com/
Evidence Found That Would Confirm the Theory of Nano-Networks Centered in the Human Body: Nano-Rectennas
Published in Spanish December 16, 2021
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Research on nanocommunication networks for nanodevices inoculated in the human body continues to accumulate evidence. On this occasion, the article by the researchers (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) is presented entitled “Nanoredes centered in the body driven by nano-Rectenna in the terahertz band = Nano- rectenna powered body-centric nano-networks in the terahertz band” which confirms the theory that Corona2Inspect had been studying through the observation of the images of the samples of the c0r0n @ v | rus vaccines obtained by the doctor (Campra, P. 2021). Nano-arrays centered on the human body require the use of nano-antennas that operate in the terahertz band, these being the same type as those found in the vaccine samples ..
In the literature, these plasmonic nano-antennas are also called bowtie antennas or “bowties antenna” and in the article in question they are called “nano-rectennas”. The explicit mention of the type of antenna and the technology of intra-body nano-networks, would confirm that vaccines are, among other things, vectors for the installation of nanotechnology, or nanodevices in the human body. However, beyond the pure coincidence, the authors make explicit the use of graphene and carbon nanotubes, as necessary elements for this network model, elements that were also identified in the images taken by Dr. Campra and that coincide with the presence of graphene in its technical report with spectroscopy. Micro-Raman.
To what has already been described, the article adds that the method of communication and data transmission in nano-networks is carried out through TS-OOK signals (sequences of pulses that transmit binary codes), which matches with studies and protocols of nanocommunications and would endorse all the research carried out by Corona2Inspect so far on this matter.
If what has been explained is not enough to confirm the theory of intracorporeal communication nano-networks, the article by (Rong, Z.; Leeson, MS; Higgins, MD; Lu, Y. 2018) makes explicit the use of nano-sensors that are linked by means of electromagnetic signals, by means of the aforementioned nano-rectennas or bow tie nano-antennas, which necessarily evidences the presence of nano-routers that serve to manage the intra-body and out-of-body data link, with gateways (gateway) such as mobile phone. Given the importance of the content of the article, it will be dissected in detail.
This confirms what has been explained in the entry on nanocommunication networks for nanotechnology in the human body, published on this blog. This ambivalent phenomenon of transporting energy and data is known by the acronym SWIPT, which allows us to infer that nano-antennas or nano-rectennas have this property. In fact, the authors affirm its ability to convert an EM signal into direct current without external power, with a very high efficiency, which would explain why enough energy was generated and probably stored to make the intra-body network work. In fact, according to (Zainud-Deen, SH; Malhat, HA; El-Araby, HA 2017) nanoantennas with a geometric diode such as bow tie or other polygonal type, based on graphene, not only collect energy from electromagnetic waves EM ( microwave), they can also do it with the infrared spectrum (El-Araby, HA; Malhat, HA; Zainud-Deen, SH 2017 | 2018), which guarantees a constant flow of energy.
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