WW3: Russian Controlled State Television Says Putin Will Launch Nuclear Missiles If NATO Peacekeepers Dare To Set Foot Anywhere In Ukraine
- WW3: Russian Controlled State Television Says Putin Will Launch Nuclear Missiles If NATO Peacekeepers Dare To Set Foot Anywhere In Ukraine
by Olga Skabeyeva, host of state-owned Rossiya 1’s show 60 Minutes, said: “If NATO members send peacekeepers to Ukraine…They should understand that this will represent a direct clash between the armed forces of Russia and NATO. And how this collision will end is probably not worth explaining… This is called World War Three.” And on Kremlin-controlled Channel 1, military expert Col. Yury Knutov, echoed the same line. World War 3 could be ‘unleashed soon’ and it’d be ‘nuclear’ – Russian State TV
Vladimir Putin’s tightly-controlled state TV has broadcast warning messages that there could be a ‘direct clash’ between Russia and the West – and nuclear weapons would need to be used ‘whether we like it or not’ in World War 3.
Anyone who has been paying even the least bit of attention to what has been happening in Europe know that the tail is absolutely wagging the dog, so much so that the it has become more obvious than the “man behind the curtain” from the Wizard of Oz. The Military Industrial Complex, forewarned of by outgoing US president Dwight D. Eisenhower, is salivating so strongly at the prospect of World War 3 that they are standing in puddles while pronouncing sanctions and supply the dictator-run state of Ukraine with bombs and planes.
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