Trigger Event For Apocalyptic WW3 Could Happen This Week: History Shows Globalists Push ‘Manufactured Chaos’ – Would Bring Unprecedented Slaughter, Carnage And Destruction
- Trigger Event For Apocalyptic WW3 Could Happen This Week: History Shows Globalists Push ‘Manufactured Chaos’ – Would Bring Unprecedented Slaughter, Carnage And Destruction
by Stefan Stanford – All News Pipeline – Live Free Or Die,
– Vax Mind Control Proven? Huge Numbers Of Vaxxed Zombies Are Pushing For World War 3
While some reading this intro might ask, ‘why the history lesson mixed with conspiracy theory?’, the answer is clearly warned of in this new story over at Infowars titled “Warning: Global Deep State May Be Planning Assassination of President Biden When He Travels To Europe” as also heard in several videos at the bottom of this story. Biden will be at NATO meetings on Thursday and will travel to Poland on Friday.
Warning within that Infowars story and those videos of an absolutely catastrophic scenario that could end up with Kamala Harris sitting in the White House, the Infowars story warned that Joe Biden has become a liability for the global deep state, which is why they may try to have him assassinated as a way of accelerating a world war against Russia.
And while we’ll continue to pray that it doesn’t come to anything like that, as any kind of World War 3 will inevitably if not immediately be of the ‘nuclear variety‘ and any nuclear attacks at all upon America or the West would surely be used by the globalists to crack down their iron fist even harder, as that Infowars story warns, there are people who want just that right now. Because war between the globalists and Russia will quickly allow them to usher in their ‘great reset‘ and ‘global dictatorship‘. From that Infowars story before we continue.:
With that Infowars story going on to report that at this point, to the globalists, Biden is now more useful dead than alive, which is a precarious situation for the whole world, it’s not just you if you feel that the globalists have been mindlessly marching the world towards nuclear war, with that queasy feeling being felt by many in March of 2022 as Chris Hedges also warns of in this new story titled “Waltzing To Armageddon”.
And one of the reasons for so little resistance from the left to that ‘march towards Armageddon‘ in March of 2022 is seen in a startling new poll that has just been released as reported in this new Liberty Daily story.
Seemingly showing why so many liberals are begging for war with Russia in March of 2022, totally oblivious to the potential ‘end times‘ dangers such a war would immediately bring, while so many Conservatives have been urging total caution as once it turns nuclear, it’s ‘turned nuclear’, that Liberty Daily story is titled “There’s a Shocking Correlation Between Getting Vaxxed and Pushing for War With Russia.” From this excellent story before we continue.:
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