NEJM Proves That Covid Vaccine Study Methodologies Are Rigged
- NEJM Proves That Covid Vaccine Study Methodologies Are Rigged
by el gato malo,
Sometimes a study winds up proving something far more interesting than it intended.
cliff notes:
when you account for all post booster risk instead of accepting the “booster +12 days” definition the reported efficacy of this study not only vanishes, it inverts.
90%+ VE becomes negative 50-90% for most outcomes.
you cannot trust any study or outcomes assessment that uses these definitions.
and we can demonstrate it here using just their own study data.
the study designs used for covid vaccines are unlike anything i have ever seen (and i read a lot of studies). they use contrived definitions to exclude and transfer huge amounts of risk. long-term readers of this substack will be familiar with this issue and my longstanding description of it as “baysian datacrime.”
in essence, the issue is simple: mRNA covid vaccines and boosters appear to generate a ~2 week window of immuno-suppression post administration. this is clinically validated. this is a period of greatly enhanced risk for the recently vaxxed but the definition used for “vaccinated” or “boosted” is generally “second dose +14 days” and “booster +14 days.” in this manner, they not only avoid having to count the high risk period one must go through to reach “vaccinated” as a part of being vaccinated but often actually add this risk into the previous cohort so the “vaxxed” ascribe immunosuppression enhanced risk to the unvaxxed and the boosted to the double jabbed.
THIS STUDY has been widely used to claim that boosters are extremely effective against covid infection and covid outcomes. it’s a terrible methodology with bad design that is basically unrecoverable right from the start and relies on 20 kinds of “adjustment” that are not made transparent in their assumptions and math.
what they SHOULD have done was cohort match 2 groups by risk at one point in time and compare them across the same temporal interval counting all outcomes from the moment you got a booster in the boosted group. tellingly, no one seems to do this.
one of a cynical bent might be tempted to ask some pointy questions about why… so, like a feline penn and teller, let me show you why and how the trick is done.
read more.