Biden Speaks – Nothing But Lies Again to Start WWIII
- Biden Speaks – Nothing But Lies Again to Start WWIII
by Martin Armstrong,
Biden has delivered a propaganda justification for launching World War III. I have reported in the various previous reports that every war we have entered has been justified on nothing but lies. He makes no mention that these provinces have been the issue under the Minsk Agreements since 2014 where the people wanted to be independent because they were Russian ethnically – not Ukrainian.
From World War I when they claimed that the Germans sunk a passenger ship when they had taken an advertisement in the New York Newspaper warning people not to sail on that ship because the US was covertly using it to supply arms to Britain. Additionally, Japan had issued a Declaration of War, but it was better to pretend it was a surprise when they really knew there would be an attack.
The Vietnam War never involved the Vietnamese firing on a US ship. It was reported that Johnson lied. Johnson commented privately: “For all I know, our navy was shooting at whales out there.”
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