Now The US & Russia Are Holding Massive Rival Military Drills In Middle East
- Now The US & Russia Are Holding Massive Rival Military Drills In Middle East
by Tyler Durden,
On top of the rival troop build-up between Russia and US-NATO forces in Eastern Europe over Ukraine, both sides are set to hold massive rival war drills further south in the Mediterranean and Middle East areas.
Though largely under-reported given the prominence of Ukraine headlines this week, the US Navy is currently holding what’s being called possibly the largest maritime exercise in history. A whopping 60 nations are participating across a huge expanse. Bloomberg detailed early this week: “Running through Feb. 17, the drills will cover waters off the Middle East, Southwest Asia, and East Africa. Known as both Cutlass Express 2022 and International Maritime Exercise 2022 — or IMX-CE22 — the war games will encompass nearly 10,000 personnel, 50 warships, and 80 unmanned systems.”
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