Hospitals In Germany, UK & Israel Refuse Life-Saving Transplant To 3-Year-Old Because Parents Were Unvaccinated
A 3-year old boy from Cyprus was turned down by Germany, Uk and Israel for urgent heart surgery because his parents were not vaccinated.
Is this starting to be a bit too inhumane or is it just me?— Abir Ballan (@abirballan) February 1, 2022
- Hospitals In Germany, UK & Israel Refuse Life-Saving Transplant To 3-Year-Old Because Parents Were Unvaccinated
by Tyler Durden,
We have heard of cases where adult patients in the US have been denied a life-saving heart transplant because they hadn’t been vaccinated. But have you ever heard of a child being refused because their parents had been vaccinated?
Well, now we have: Politico EU reports that a 3-year-old Cypriot boy was denied a heart transplant by a hospital in Germany allegedly because his parents weren’t “fully vaccinated”.
And it wasn’t just Germany. The boy was turned away by hospitals in the UK and Israel for the same reason. Finally, a Greek hospital was found to do the transplant, but the story is going viral anyway as the latest example of COVID restrictions run amok.
read more.
- Nelson Walters
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