Make Preparations! Canadian Cross Border Trucking Vaxx Mandate Now In Effect, Domestic Trucking Mandate Starts Next Week
- Make Preparations! Canadian Cross Border Trucking Vaxx Mandate Now In Effect, Domestic Trucking Mandate Starts Next Week
by ‘Sundance’, via
The cross border vaccine mandate for truckers in/out of Canada is now in effect. The U.S. vaccine mandate takes effect on January 22nd.
It will take a few days to see the consequences, but there will be consequences.
Keep in mind, any impact is taking place in a supply chain system that is already tenuous and unstable at best. A small disruption that may have been minimally significant against a fully operational supply chain, is more likely to be a much bigger disruption in a supply chain that is already under a severe amount of demand side stress. Somewhere in the range of 16,000 to 38,000 daily loads are likely to be impacted.
When questioned about this, Canadian Intergovernmental Affairs Minister Dominic Leblanc says the trucking industry “has had adequate time to prepare for this.” Keep in mind, the mandate was announced 45 days ago (November 30th). According to the Canadian government, changing the structural rules for all the logistics and commerce in cross border shipping, 45 days is enough notice.
read more.
We have a friend who drives for a trucking company. They have 10 drivers who go in to Canada, he is one. Company told them – you all must be vaxx’d. Seven (7) refusing… company now has 3 drivers (for Canada).
— Cuprum Dea 🍊 Andy Beshear – Kentucky Tyrant (@CuprumDea) January 16, 2022