Experts Are Warning That Empty Shelves And Food Shortages Are Going To Continue For Many Weeks To Come

- Experts Are Warning That Empty Shelves And Food Shortages Are Going To Continue For Many Weeks To Come
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The term “return to normal” is being thrown around a lot these days, but will things ever truly return to the way that they were before the pandemic came along? I don’t think so. From an economic standpoint, an extraordinary amount of lasting damage has been done over the past two years. A seemingly endless list of major problems has thrown thousands upon thousands of critical supply chains into a complete and utter state of chaos, and this has resulted in some very painful shortages. For quite a while, the mainstream media kept insisting that the shortages would soon be gone, but now they are being forced to admit the truth. If you can believe it, NPR has even published a major story about the growing shortages in this country…:
No, you’re not imagining it. Some grocery store shelves are bare again, conjuring bad memories of spring 2020 for many. Social media is rife with images of empty supermarket aisles and signs explaining the lack of available food and other items. Stores such as Aldi have apologized to customers for the shortages.
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