Celeste Expose: OPERATION ADAM — The Dark Plan to Remake Humanity — Destroying The Image of God
- Celeste Expose: OPERATION ADAM — The Dark Plan to Remake Humanity — Destroying The Image of God
by Celeste Solum, https://shepherdsheart.life/
“ADAM is a canvas of genetic modification… but Plasmids are the paint.”
― Yi Suchong
ADAM is a chemical substance that can rewrite genetic material, allowing the user to alter their bodies, their genetic makeup and their natural abilities without any direct limits whatsoever aside from their imagination. ADAM does this by supporting the formation of potent stem cells that can differentiate into any cell type, including a variety of unnatural ones. This type of cell formation, however, is also often compared to a benign form of cancer, as the chemical slowly destroys native tissue cells and replaces them with unstable stem versions. A gamer….
A plasmid is the circular double-stranded DNA that replicates within a cell independent of chromosomal DNA. Plasmids are found in bacteria or protozoa that are used for genetic modification using recombinant DNA to transfer genes between cells and species.
Beyond coincidence, the operation to make ADAM 3.0, a transhumanoid, is underway to phase out God’s human population via depopulation. What is the playbook? This human “evolution” works hand-in-hand with Dr. Evils New Toolkit. for the ultimate weaponry arrayed at mankind, never before seen on planet earth-mind-body-soul.
Today, I will humbly attempt to share with each of you the playbook and mechanisms of this “evolution”. This is World War 3, a biological slaughter of all life on earth while most people are beguiled with the utopian promises for immortality, health, and abundance.
This operation is no longer waiting for 2045, it is operational and being conducted in the words of Dr. “Evil” clandestinely and covertly. The New soulless humanoids are in the process of being engineered and animated- while God’s handiwork, the lineage of Adam is being annihilated.
OPERATION ADAM is the second wicked attempt in history to taint the blood supply of mankind making him ineligible for eternal salvation. While destruction of the unique human being is tragic, the more poignant concern is the spiritual consequences of this program.
If you chose genetic modification it is irreversible, so deeply embedded into your body that it it cleaves, you become one with evil. We will each be unwittingly exposed to permanent genetic modifications. In these cases where platforms with payloads have been inserted into your food, water, air, and upon surfaces we must cast our care upon Jesus. Pleading to Him for His mercy, grace, and deliverance. In the past, He had compassion on His people, displaying great miracles and we will see those miracles again if we are true to Him.
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