Huge Number Of Food Shortages Predicted For 2022 By A Variety Of Experts – Democrats Told Us It Would Get Better By 2022, But These Experts Warn It’s Not And Is Going to Get Much Worse
- Huge Number Of Food Shortages Predicted For 2022 By A Variety Of Experts – Democrats Told Us It Would Get Better By 2022, But These Experts Warn It’s Not And Is Going to Get Much Worse
by Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine
In 2020 and 2021 we saw a number of shortages, from foods to computer chips, stemming from different reasons. First and foremost which kicked off the extremely depleted store shelves that our readers sent exclusive images of, all across the country, while certain specific areas saw less, and others more shortages, were the lockdowns.
Those lockdowns forced school and restaurant closures, which in turn blindsided the farming industry because the demand dried up, so much of their “supply” had to be destroyed. Tens of millions of gallons of milk dumped, crops plowed through because the farmers couldn’t offload it, and ranchers forced to euthanize their own livestock because they couldn’t get it all processed.
With the schools, restaurants, and other business closures that state leaders deemed “non-essential,” we saw unemployment explode, which led to shortages at food banks and free food giveaways.
The point here is the lockdowns caused a trickle down and up effect which inevitably brought about massive food shortages, with empty shelves, limited options, and the rearranging of products by grocery stores to make their shelving “appear” fuller than they were, including front-facing products with nothing behind the front row.
Jump forward to the end of 2021, and we are seeing a number of experts predict what items will continue to see shortages, and the list continues to grow.
IN 2022, while issues still stem from the original economy-killing lockdowns of 2020, other factors are adding to the breakdown of the food supply chain;
A lack of truck drivers, labor shortages where companies do not have the manpower to produce, package, and deliver goods, and let us not forget, the labor shortage is also being worsened by the Biden’s regime encouragement of employers to terminate or suspend workers refusing the COVID vaccine, where because it is still experimental, or religious reasons.
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