NO JOKE: NASA Hires Priests To Help Prepare Humanity For Alien Contact In Center Of Theological Inquiry Program At Princeton University
- NO JOKE: NASA Hires Priests To Help Prepare Humanity For Alien Contact In Center Of Theological Inquiry Program At Princeton University
by Geoffrey Grider,
The Rev Dr Andrew Davison, a priest and theologian at the University of Cambridge with a doctorate in biochemistry from Oxford, is among 24 theologians, The Times reports. ‘Religious traditions would be an important feature in how humanity would work through any such confirmation of life elsewhere,’ Davidson shared in a blog post on the University of Cambridge site. ‘Because of that, it features as part of NASA’s ongoing aim to support work on ‘the societal implications of astrobiology’, working with various partner organizations, including the Center of Theological Inquiry at Princeton.’
NASA is looking to priests and theologians for help with assessing how humans will react if alien life is found on other planets and how the discovery could impact our ideas of gods and creation.
If I wanted to prepare myself for alien contact, the last people I would turn to would be any priest, rabbi, imam or Greek and Hebrew scholar, as the combined brain power of all of those people wouldn’t get you enough wattage to make a 40-watt lightbulb glow. No sir, that won’t get the job done. If you want to know how to prepare for alien contact, you need to find yourself a King James Bible believer who could show you a few things about fallen angels having sex with human women, creating hybrid monsters who became the Genesis 6 giants. Then a quick trip to Ecclesiastes 1:9 and Matthew 24:37 to ‘seal the deal’ and you’re all set. Let’s see a priest do something with that, ha!
“And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” Genesis 6:1,2,4 (KJB)
Some of the most illiterate people on the face of this earth when it comes to understanding the Bible are priests, rabbis and Greek and Hebrew scholars. In my entire life, I have never met any of those people who could talk about actual Bible doctrine intelligently for more than 5 minutes. But having NASA turn to them for advice on how best to prepare humans for fallen angel contact is just about perfect when you remember that the very first warning Jesus gives about the end times is ” Take heed that no man deceive you”. The Vatican has been talking about alien contact for quite sometime now, as they look out into space through a telescope named ‘Lucifer’.
read more.
Former Israeli space #security chief Haim Eshed has revealed that aliens from a "Galactic Federation" have been in contact with the US and #Israel for years, but humanity isn't ready to know this.
Or so he claims.
Reporting by @AaronReich
— The Jerusalem Post (@Jerusalem_Post) December 7, 2020
- Former Israeli Space Security Chief: Trump is Aware of Aliens
by Jeff Tavss,
JERUSALEM — The former security chief of Israel’s space program says President Donald Trump is aware of aliens from outer space and was about to disclose their existence before being stopped.
Haim Eshed, a former Israeli general and current professor, told an Israeli newspaper that the U.S. and his country have been dealing with aliens for a long time, but they remain a secret because he says “humanity isn’t ready,” the Jerusalem Post reports.
The 87-year-old Eshed also claims there is a “Galactic Federation” between aliens and the US, which involves an underground base on Mars where Americans and aliens work together. The report surmises the existence of the base could support Trump’s creation of the U.S. Space Force.
Eshed says Trump was close to alerting the public about aliens, but was kept from doing so by the Galactic Federation because humans were not ready to understand “what space and spaceships are.” As for his reasons for divulging the secret after many decades, Eshed mentioned his high academic standing and that he has “nothing to lose.”
- ‘Major deception of the last days… the (Satanic) priest told us … Master’s (Satan) Grand Plan for harvesting the nations/multitudes of the earth into his cause … Just before the close of the great controversy of the forces of good and evil … It is going to be done in a unique manner … people are going to eat this stuff … Spirits (demon spirits) will declare themselves to be inhabitants of far distant planets in the galaxies … coming to warn inhabitants of planet earth of the impending destruction of the planet … unless something is done to avoid it…’
Roger Morneau, Ex Satanist
– - 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 (New King James Version)
9 The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
- Sheeple: naive, gullible, easily deceived, useful idiots complicit in their own destruction and the destruction of others. People with an amazing ability to accept any amount of BULLSHIT. Last to know/understand what is going on. First to fall.
- The entire “UFO-Aliens” meme pushed by the world is a psychological warfare against the sheeple. These beings are NOT Aliens but are fallen angels, the Nephilim, fallen spiritual beings. The sheeple are being brainwashed into accepting a coming Satanic Alien Invasion HOAX! This is, IMO, the endtimes strong delusion.
