European Union Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen Calls For Implementation Of Forced COVID Vaccination For All EU Citizens
- European Union Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen Calls For Implementation Of Forced COVID Vaccination For All EU Citizens
by Geoffrey Grider,
The EU Commission president’s comments come after a number of European countries have discussed implementing the measure in the hopes of combating rising COVID cases, with Austria announcing that they will be implementing forced vaccination from February next year. Those refusing vaccination face perpetual lockdown, fines of up to €7,200, and potential prison time. Following the announcement, the leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, Herbert Kickl, said that the measure crossed a “dark red line” and that the state had turned into a “dictatorship”. Greece has meanwhile announced it will be implementing monthly fines of €100 for over-60s who remain unvaccinated after December, a move that Greece’s main opposition party has called punitive and financially excessive, according to the BBC. Germany’s incoming chancellor — who is set to succeed Angela Merkel this month — Olaf Scholz also voiced his support for mandatory vaccinations, blaming the unvaccinated for the recent surge in coronavirus cases seen within the country.
European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen has called for discussions regarding the implementation of forced vaccination throughout the entire EU, in a move that has been described as the “Chinafication of Europe”.
You know what Omicron actually is besides a COVID variant that cause mild, cold-like symptoms? It’s the perfect excuse to not simply mandate vaccinations but to force people to receive them against their own will. I believe that COVID-19 was created in the Wuhan lab with gain of function technology, and was released intentionally upon the whole world in order to perform gene editing experimentation on every human being. I believe this is all intentional, it has all been planned, and that the power of Antichrist is behind all of it.
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)
Here at NTEB, we’ve remained steady in reporting to you what the truth about all this end times intrigue actually is, and Lord willing that stance will not ever change. I do m y best to stay healthy, take my vitamins and minerals, avoiding large crowds whenever possible, and if I feel sick I stay home. COVID is a real virus, it has been engineered in the lab to react and behave in highly unpredictable ways. Do you level best to not catch it. But above all, realize that everything is happening because Almighty God has decreed it to be so, and it cannot be stopped. Witness as much as you can, support our Free Bible and Gospel Tract Program as we work towards out goal of distributing 15,000 King James Holy Bibles before the end of the year. Most of all, do something that will give God glory at the Judgment Seat of Christ. Time has about run out, be busy about the Lord’s business, and trust Him to keep you safe while you do it.
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