Remember! ‘All Warfare Is Based Upon Deception!’ – Being Imposed Now Is The Satanic Forces Long Planned Obliteration Of America To Bring On A Demonic World Dictatorship
- Remember! ‘All Warfare Is Based Upon Deception!’ – Being Imposed Now Is The Satanic Forces Long Planned Obliteration Of America To Bring On A Demonic World Dictatorship
by Alan Barton – All News PipeLine
Build Back Better – 666 – 6uild 6ack 6etter
Question; How can you build back unless it was destroyed in the first place? How can it be “better” unless it is very different than it was or had been? This slogan of “build back better” is another form of the New World Order, the Great Reset, the Green New Deal and so on as described last September 28 here on ANP story showing how “they” (the NWO, Illuminati, etc) are destroying this world to allow a rebuild into their demonic totalitarian world dictatorship. Another view of how this conspiracy to destroy the world is related to the Satanic New World Order can be found in an interesting First Video at the end of this article titled “666 The Obama Agenda: ‘Build Back Better’”.
The point of this article is not to rehash the bbb/666 business, but to explore the methods they are using to destroy this world in the first place. The first graphic above gives a clue to what seems to be the preferred method they are using, but it is not the only one. Sun Tzu had a lot to say on the subject, and we will use his concepts to guide us in this hopefully interesting discussion, so lets start at the beginning; the battle is won before it is fought. That means lay out the plan completely and follow it. The Satanic forces have done so to a very tight and detailed degree as has been revealed in the many announcements they have given on what they are going to do to us, but to a very large degree, we have not listened or it has gone over our heads. They are adamant on telegraphing their intentions and goals ahead of time as news story after news story has shown. The recent Climate Summit held in Glasgow Scotland is a prime example as the world “leaders” in government and ultra big corporation’s coordinated the attack plan against the worlds future, especially the USA’s future, in destroying clean cheap energy to drain us of the ability to sustain ourselves. America is their greatest hurdle to that goal, and our destruction is one huge goal to achieve.
The destruction of our energy sources is only one of the battle grounds of the war we are in right now. The obvious one is the fake pandemic to force the world’s population into getting the bio-weapon injection that will kill so many. Eliminating the enemy without firing a shot is one of Sun Tzu’s greatest tactics, and you must know the enemy well first. That is why China has ownership of so many US tech companies and politicians; yes, they own Biden, Obama, and so many others in our government and colleges, and that is how they have created a massive advantage over us because they know what we have and can do, not to mention the theft of our technology that they then brandish against us. Our armed forces cannot function without massive amounts of energy, mostly fuel for our military vehicles including land, air and sea. Although our major ships are nuclear powered, our escorts are all carbon energy source powered. The kerosene requirements for our fighters and bombers is huge, many flights require refueling, and many of them more than once per flight. That does not include the strategy of plugging up the supply lines with idled transport of vital men, equipment and civilian needs by stopping all transportation internally and in off shore battle related places. You cannot move much when our main arteries are filled with stalled civilian traffic, let alone the problem of starving civilians creating so many problems in their own right.
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