Austria “Just Days Away” From Unleashing Lockdown On The “Shameful” Unvaccinated
- Austria “Just Days Away” From Unleashing Lockdown On The “Shameful” Unvaccinated
by The Local, via
Austria’s chancellor on Friday said that the government would give the go-ahead for a lockdown for unvaccinated people, to be introduced in the two highest-incidence regions from Monday and possibly also nationwide.
“Our aim is clear: we want on Sunday to give the green light for a nationwide lockdown for the unvaccinated,” Chancellor Alexander Schallenberg told a press conference.
This would mean people without proof of 2G (full vaccination or recovery from Covid-19) would be unable to leave their homes except for essential reasons. He described Austria’s vaccination rate – just 65% of the population is fully vaccinated against Covid-19 – as “shameful”.
A lockdown for the unvaccinated was proposed on Thursday by the governor of Upper Austria, the region with the highest Covid-19 incidence rates, pending legal approval from the government. Also on Thursday, Austria’s Corona Commission warned of a “serious threat to medical care” for the whole population and recommended that a lockdown for the unvaccinated should be introduced nationwide.
Schallenberg did not confirm whether the lockdown would apply in the whole country or only for the highest incidence regions , but said he was in favour of “a nationwide solution”. Health Minister Wolfgang Mückstein confirmed the lockdown would apply at least in Upper Austria and Salzburg, the two highest incidence regions.
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