Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog

Socio-Economics History Blog
Socio-Economics History Blog
Liberty and Finance If the Fed raises rates to normalize inflation, the financial system will unravel, says macroeconomics analyst Mario Innecco. The recent move in gold and silver is confirmation that the Fed has lost control of inflation. Find Mario online: – 0:00 Intro 1:00 Inflation 3:33 Fed taper 8:09 Long-term inflation 9:35 Gold …
They Have Lost Control, And Now The Dollar Is Going To Die by I think that they actually believed that they could get away with it. I think that they were actually convinced that they could create, borrow and spend trillions upon trillions of dollars without any serious long-term consequences. But they should have …
EU Official Calls US Warships Near Russia’s Coast “Clearly” An Unncessary “Provocation” by Tyler Durden, An EU official has made surprising remarks this week, evaluating the presence of a pair of large US warships in the Black Sea. French member of the European Parliament Thierry Mariani slammed ongoing naval exercises by the USS Porter …
Pope Francis Says The Great Reset Must Include A ‘Concrete Collective Military Disarmament’ And A ‘Green Spirituality’ Where The Earth Is Worshipped by Geoffrey Grider, “The reality we knew before the pandemic was that wealth and economic growth were reserved for a minority while millions of people were unable to meet the most basic needs …
Taiwan Halts 2nd Dose Of Pfizer Jabs For 12-17 Year Olds by Tyler Durden, Taiwan has become the latest country to halt or restrict the use of a Covid-19 vaccine due to concerns over adverse reactions. – On Wednesday, Taiwan’s Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced the suspension of 2nd doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech …
RT A growing campaign in the West to do away with gender-based language defies reason and is subverting human nature, Russian President Vladimir Putin has claimed, arguing children should not be taught biological sex does not exist. end
Stansberry Research We are enduring the “Super Inflation Crisis,” which differs from hyperinflation, and is interconnected to supply chain and food shortages, says Willem Middelkoop, CDF founder and author. He warns that it’s very hard to stop the spiral of distrust felt by people, generating concerns about currencies and government bonds. “China understands that the …
Kinesis Money This week, Andrew Maguire sits down with hedge fund manager and mining stock specialist, Dave Kranzler, for a deep dive into the precious metals markets. The pair discuss the impact of retail silver buying on the market; the future of gold and silver premiums and industry predictions of a severe silver supply deficit …
RT How is the economy working for you? We are told this is the time of the Great Reset and Build Back Better. What does that mean to you? How the does the Green New Deal play into this? It seems the rich are only getting richer. What about the rest of us? end