The New World Order We Were Warned Was Coming Is Now Here And America Will Never Be The Same – Medical Martial Law, Empty Shelves, Radical Socialism And More, All In The Name Of Control

- The New World Order We Were Warned Was Coming Is Now Here And America Will Never Be The Same – Medical Martial Law, Empty Shelves, Radical Socialism And More, All In The Name Of Control
by Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine
2021 should have been a real eye opener for those Independent Media warned about the “NWO” aka the New World Order, where chaos is created just so radical politicians can use it to “create a solution” that limits even more rights and freedoms in America. What was it Obama’s White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emannuel was quoted as saying?
“You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it’s an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before.” – Source
That has been the ultimate goal of many a politician over the years, and when Democrats took control at the beginning of 2021, that became their mantra, or manifesto, so to speak. From medical martial law to to bare shelves, with many other issues in between, we have passed the point of no return.
As a nation we will never get back to what we once were. We need to accept that.
The completion of the “New World Order” was only temporarily postponed by the Trump presidency, right up until the moment COVID was brought unto the scene, and from that moment on, America changed.
The second Joe Biden started occupying the White House, the mad rush by Democrats began to implement as much change as possible, as fast as they could before losing the House and/or the Senate in 2022 and leaving Biden as a lame duck president.
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