THE COMING GREAT DELUSION — PART 0: UFO “Debris” From Various Alleged Crash Sites Being Studied In Stanford Lab?
- THE COMING GREAT DELUSION—PART 0: UFO “Debris” From Various Alleged Crash Sites Being Studied In Stanford Lab?
by SkyWatch Editor,
According to numerous reports, debris from several UFO cases dating back to 1947 are “now being studied by Dr. Gary Nolan at the Nolan Lab at Stanford University. In a recent interview with KQED, Nolan discussed how he got involved in UFO studies and what he’s currently working on with his research. Nolan says he first started working on UFOs when he ‘was approached by some people representing the government and an aerospace corporation to help them understand the medical harm that had come to some individuals, related to supposed interactions with an anomalous craft.’ Currently, Nolan is analyzing alleged artifacts from UFOs, including some from a case previously worked on by famous UFO researcher Jacques Vallee. ‘You can think of it as almost like investigative forensics,’ Nolan explained.”
These shocking admissions, which are covered in the groundbreaking new documentary The Great Delusion, seem to echo what Dr. Thomas Horn and Cris Putnam investigated in their best-selling books Exo-Vaticana and On The Path Of The Immortals (BOTH FREE IN COLLECTION HERE), from which we excerpt the following tantalizing details:
Another university that we suspect could be involved in the cover-up of the alien presence, artifacts, and/or mysterious technology is Pennsylvania State—or at least one of its well-known lecturers. This story goes back to 2005, when Tom Horn and Steve Quayle were doing a series of Q-File radio shows, and suddenly a story shot across the World Wide Web of a giant, Leviathan-type creature that had been discovered in the polar ice of Franz Josef Land.[i] The colossal being was described as having horns “immense in dimension” that protruded from its head “with incredible length. The body is covered with a combination of coarse fur and what can best be described as ‘body armor’ (like an American armadillo) that protects its enormous joints and head.”[ii]
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