With Death Panels Here, Imagine Barcodes On Americans Foreheads To Scan Vax Status Now Dead Ahead: Left Joins International Community In Damning All Of Humanity Into Slavery And Dictatorship
- With Death Panels Here, Imagine Barcodes On Americans Foreheads To Scan Vax Status Now Dead Ahead: Left Joins International Community In Damning All Of Humanity Into Slavery And Dictatorship
by Susan Duclos – All News PipeLine
As Americans watch the disturbing coverage of what is happening to freedom and human rights across the globe, from supposed “democracies,” we note the terrifyingly apathetic reactions of nearly half of Americans.
Here at ANP we have watched and written about the Australian government, among other nations, rapidly rushing into outright dictatorship, as published video coverage show people being taken from their homes for just being “suspected” of having COVID and forced into indefinite stays at their “COVID Hotels.”
Law enforcement attacking and choking people in the streets for refusing to comply with what they consider, as do many of us, unreasonable mandates. Forced check-ins with an image, cops rounding up legal citizens in the streets, shared on social media along with video evidence, and much more “dystopian nightmare” antics, begging the question, “When Will Someone Hold Human-Rights Hearings on Australia?”
Perhaps it was inevitable that a nation like Australia that began as a prison colony would be the first to become one again using COVID as an excuse to put the heel of their boot once again on their citizens’ throats.
The area functioned as a prison state for the next eight decades, and over the course of that time, around 160,000 convicts were sent there. The effects have been long-lasting, and according to the BBC, about 20 percent of today’s Australians can trace their roots back to a convict marooned there by the British. That includes their former prime minister, Kevin Rudd. His family goes back to his great-great-great-great-great-grandmother, who had been sentenced to life in Australia’s penal colonies when she was just 11 years old. The crime? Robbery.
Australia has always had a bit of a conflicted relationship with its convict past. According to The Conversation, it’s gone from shoving aside thoughts and memories of their ancestors to talking about them with a sense of pride. Because it wasn’t just a case of “we’re going to send all these murderers to Australia,” it was much more complicated than that. But no matter how you look at it, life in the Australian penal colonies was incredibly messed up.
The point here is basically Australia is a warning to rest of the world, and yet half of Americans either root them on in the name of “safety,” or deny that could happen here in America, or worse yet, want America to become more like Australia.
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