GLOBAL TAX: At UN Meeting, The Vatican Calls For Redistribution Of Wealth To Overcome ‘Economic Inequality’ Through Global Taxation
- GLOBAL TAX: At UN Meeting, The Vatican Calls For Redistribution Of Wealth To Overcome ‘Economic Inequality’ Through Global Taxation
by Geoffrey Grider,
In his address before a high-level U.N. meeting on inequality and prosperity, Vatican Archbishop Gallagher asserted that “fighting rampant inequality cannot be achieved without fiscal redistribution and increasing the progressiveness of income taxation schedules.” “Better taxation can redistribute a portion of the rents accruing to big corporations and help build up tax bases, especially in developing countries,” he declared. The archbishop also noted how the global coronavirus pandemic has slowed humanity’s progressive elimination of extreme poverty. The World Bank, for instance, has estimated the pandemic “drove an additional 97 million people into extreme poverty in 2020.” Global tax, global vax, watch out for those words ending in ‘x’, they’re a killer.
Vatican foreign minister Archbishop Paul Gallagher has called for increased redistribution as a necessary means of overcoming economic inequality, the Catholic News Service reported Wednesday.
Yesterday, the big headline was ‘World Leader Reach Landmark Deal On Global Tax Rate’, and everyone got all excited at this latest New World Order update. But NTEB told you back in 2019 to prepare for the global tax because it heralds the coming time of Jacob’s trouble. Luke 2 tells us that there was a global tax at the First Advent of Jesus Christ, so it stands to reason that in the ramp up to the Second Advent, you will see the same thing being played out.
“And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius was governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, every one into his own city.” Luke 2:1-3 (KJB)
The Vatican has also been preparing for the coming global tax in addition to gathering together the world’s religious leaders for the UN COP26 Climate Conference that kicks off on Halloween night October 31st. Pope Francis sent his minion Vatican foreign minister Archbishop Paul Gallagher to call for increased financial redistribution of the world’s wealth to help the world’s poor. No mention was made of the untold tens of billions in accumulated wealth in the vaults of Vatican City, funny how their money is never redistributed, only yours.
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