NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Whole World Is Watching Bill Gates Dream Of Forcing A Vaccine And Digital ID On Every Human Being Come True
- NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: The Whole World Is Watching Bill Gates Dream Of Forcing A Vaccine And Digital ID On Every Human Being Come True
by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are bringing you a much-needed and timely update on Bill Gates and his mad quest to inject the entire world with a vaccine and the corresponding digital identification. That is the reason, after all, why Bill Gates had Microsoft create ID2020 for the United Nations…wait, what…you didn’t know that? Yes sir, this is the system that Gates has dreamt about, talk about, plotted, planned and paid for, and now it’s here and knocking on your door. For some of you reading this, it’s already in your arm. But cheer up, it gets a whole lot worse. For the past 48 hours Twitter has been running interference on a claim that Bill Gates 2010 TED Talk about ‘reducing the population with vaccines and abortions’ was ‘taken out of context’. Oh really, Jack? Today we will clear all that up for you with the gospel truth on the end times sorcery of William Henry Gates III.
For the past 48 hours Twitter has been running interference on a claim that Bill Gates 2010 TED Talk about ‘reducing the population with vaccines and abortions’ was ‘taken out of context’. Oh really, Jack?
Bill Gates actually announced the coming biometric digital identification we now know as the COVID-19 Vaccine Passport back in a talk given in March of 2020, that segment was edited out by the producers. That turned out to be a very wise move, because that gave the massive fear campaign they’ve been runnin non-stop time to do its work in convincing people that ‘normalcy’ cannot be achieved with receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, the various booster shots as well as the mandatory Vaccine Passport. We have that edited audio to play for you today, and so much more.
“And Jacob called unto his sons, and said, Gather yourselves together, that I may tell you that which shall befall you in the last days.” Genesis 49:1 (KJB)
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