Banks, Gold & The Elite …Q&A with Lynette Zang & Eric Griffin
To see Lynette’s slides and research links from this video:…
Question 1: 1:07
With a very limited financial budget would it be best to buy Silver first since its more affordable than Gold? I’m just looking to be able to buy food and rent during a reset/crash.
Question 2: 2:54
You say that gold and silver have no counter party risk, I understand what you mean of sorts, but isn’t the government the worst counter party risk for those of us that hold the physical?
Question 3: 5:40
It appears that the banking elite are artificially depressing the prices of silver and gold by dumping worthless paper contracts on the market. I believe that they are doing this so that they can buy even more gold and silver before the reset. This low price also discourages other buyers. My question is: If the baking elite own most of the gold and silver at the reset, how can we prevent them from being in charge again after the reset?
Question 4: 12:55
When the dollar falls who sets the value of gold and silver?
Question 5: 13:52
Both you & Greg Mannarino believe that we are heading into a hyperinflationary depression. What does that mean? It sounds contradictory. Why should I be concerned?